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Kuder Career Advisor Training®: Advanced™ (Spring 2023 Course)

April 3, 2023
May 27, 2023


The registration deadline for this course is March 28, 2023.

When it comes to helping others plan and prepare for a satisfying career, knowing the latest evidence-based strategies, trends, and best practices is a must. By improving your skills, you can maximize your impact on your students and clients. Use the registration button to sign up for the course. You will receive an email to complete your purchase.


Ideal for teachers, counselors, career development instructors, workforce development advisors, and career coaches.

What will I learn?

  • Understand career development theories, models, and techniques.
  • Comprehend and use formal and informal career assessments.
  • Recognize special needs and adapt services accordingly.
  • Design and run career planning programs.
  • And more!


